Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Transformation Solution By Bill Phillips - The Review

On February 1st, Bill Phillips, author of many game changing fitness books such as Body-For-Life: 12 Weeks To Mental & Physical Strength, launches his brand new training program Transformation Solution.

It's designed to give YOU "the MINDSET you need, the BODY you want and the LIFE you deserve".

The fact that you've come to this website suggests to me that you are seriously considering buying Bill Phillips Transformation Solution. I'll do my best to effectively and honestly review this program to make sure it's right for you.

The full details of the entire training program have yet to be released but the main training resource will be Transformation - a 257 page training guide giving you all the information you need to make the changes required to transform your life.

From speaking to one of Bill's staff I believe a Success Journal will also be included with the main training guide, as well as a number of audio and video training modules.

I currently only have access to the main Transformation training guide, so I will only be providing a review for this.

Here are the details...

As I've already mentioned, Transformation is 257 pages of pure hard hitting, cutting edge, life changing ideas and strategies.

To give you an idea of what Transformation Solution will do for you, here's the first paragraph.

"Transformation is a process of changing the whole person to become healthier, happier, lighter, more energized and aware. And that's what this book is all about."

One of the main focuses of Transformation Solution is to get you in shape. There are many books that teach weight loss - not not in the same way Transformation Solution will do for you.

Most books give you a bunch of exercises to do and some foods that you should and shouldn't eat - but they don't deal with the fundamental problem.

I think everyone KNOWS how to lose weight. You simply have to burn more calories than you consume, therefore if you eat less and move more, you will lose weight.

But there's obviously SOMETHING that stops us - our MIND. And that's what Transformation Solution will help you overcome.

It will put everything into a perspective whereby eating that cheeseburger is no longer an option your mind considers. Instead, you opt for a flavor filled grilled salmon with steamed vegetables.

Bill Phillips has a whole bunch of success stories from a number of past students who have achieved the body they desired following Bill's Transformation Solution.

To see a few examples, including before and after photos, hit the links below.

I've focussed primarily on the body Transformation aspect of the training program so far, but much of the value comes in other aspects of the training.

Here's the chapter list so you can see what else is included in Transformation Solution.

1. The Base & Summit

2. Exercise Rx

3. Right Nutrition

4. The Community Connection

5. Lifetime Intentions

6. Healthy Spaces Makeover

7. Progress Not Perfection

8. The Big Forgive

9. Accepting Responsibility

10. The Positive Mindset

11. Releasing Concealments

12. Making It Right

13. What's So Funny?

14. Addictive Habits

15. Mind & Meditation

16. Heart Of Gratitude

17. Making A Difference

As you can see, this is a complete training program with a wealth of strategies, action plans and ideas to transform your body, your mind and most importantly, your LIFE.

Transformation Solution has worked for thousands of other people like you - now it's your turn.

Hit the link below to download Transformation Solution. It could be the most important life changing training of your life.

Click Here To Buy & Download Transformation Solution

Already a customer? Then leave a comment below sharing what YOU thought of Bill Phillips Transformation Solution program.

Bill Phillips Transformation Solution Program Success Stories

Bill Phillips Transformation Solution Program Success Stories

I had followed Bill’s fitness program before and got in good shape, but I lost it all after my baby brother passed away in 2002. I suffered with the most painful grief and depression for so long after that. I gained weight and barely had the energy to get through work and take care of my daughter.

In 2007 I found Bill online and reconnected. He talked to me about transformation and I knew immediately this was something I needed to do. I had never taken the time or knew how to make the inner transformation. The loss of my brother compounded the challenges I had already been struggling with. When you grow up being told that you’re a failure and that you’ll never amount to anything, it has a way of eating you up inside.

Transformation helped me finally get the healthy body I wanted and more importantly, it allowed me to start living a joyful and fulfilling life.

Now I teach what I’ve learned to others at Through the community I’ve made friends all over the world who can relate to my experiences.

It’s a group of people who are so loving, so supportive and so real.

If you want to experience the same transformation that Clarissa experienced, then download a copy of Transformation Solution from Bill Phillips.

Bill Phillips Transformation Solution Program Success Stories

Bill Phillips Transformation Solution Program Success Stories

When I first found I looked around and saw people who were making incredible changes. Bill Phillips wasn’t just teaching fitness but rather how to be healthy and energized from the inside out. People were discovering more of their potential as well.

I dove in and started doing the transformation work. As the weeks went by, I was pleasantly surprised with what I was experiencing. My body was getting leaner and stronger while I also started to feel a renewed sense of purpose. I connected with other healthy and inspired people who were working hard to improve their lives also.

I realized that to some extent, I was living a selfish life, always focused on my job, my fitness, my success. Now I’ve turned it all around. Today the most important things to me are being the best dad I can be for my two daughters and the best husband for my wife.

I’m also completely committed to making a difference in the lives of others in any way I can. I have an inner happiness and enthusiasm that is greater than before and I share it as often as I can. To me, that’s what transformation is all about.

If you want to experience the same success as Paul Hughes, then get yourself a copy of Transformation Solution by Bill Phillips by clicking here.