Bill Phillips Transformation Solution Program Success Stories

I had followed Bill’s fitness program before and got in good shape, but I lost it all after my baby brother passed away in 2002. I suffered with the most painful grief and depression for so long after that. I gained weight and barely had the energy to get through work and take care of my daughter.
In 2007 I found Bill online and reconnected. He talked to me about transformation and I knew immediately this was something I needed to do. I had never taken the time or knew how to make the inner transformation. The loss of my brother compounded the challenges I had already been struggling with. When you grow up being told that you’re a failure and that you’ll never amount to anything, it has a way of eating you up inside.
Transformation helped me finally get the healthy body I wanted and more importantly, it allowed me to start living a joyful and fulfilling life.
Now I teach what I’ve learned to others at Through the community I’ve made friends all over the world who can relate to my experiences.
It’s a group of people who are so loving, so supportive and so real.
If you want to experience the same transformation that Clarissa experienced, then download a copy of Transformation Solution from Bill Phillips.
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